Managing Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Program in Magento
In this article, you will learn how to create and configure Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Program in the Magento Affiliate Programs extension. Please follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Step-by-Step action:
- In your Magento Backend please go to “Plumrocket” in the main menu.
- From the list of extensions select “Affiliate Programs”.
- Click on “Manage Affiliate Programs”.

Step-by-Step action:
- Press on “Add New Affiliate Program”.

Step-by-Step action:
- Select “Rakuten LinkShare”.
- Press “Continue” button.

Configuring Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Program in Magento
Once you created the Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Program, you will need to configure it. Please follow the step-by step instructions below.
Step-by-Step action:
- Name: allows you to indicate the name of your Affiliate Program.
- Status: allows to enable or disable your Affiliate Program.
- Store View: allows you to select the Storeview(s) where your Affiliate Program will be executed

Step-by-Step action:
- Merchant ID: allows you to indicate the Merchant ID of your Affiliate Network. This information must be provided by Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Network.
- Use Cadence platform: enable the use of the Cadence platform service offered by the Rakuten Linkshare Affiliate Network in order to be able to track users’ activity on your store.
- Tracking Key: enter the tracking key provided by Rakuten Linkshare Affiliate Network.

Important Information:
How to test if your Affiliate Program is installed properly? Please follow the instructions below.
Testing Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Program in Magento
Step-by-Step action:
- Create a test order at your Magento Frontend. Note that you will need to add a get parameter ?siteID=??? to your website link (where “xxx” is the Merchant ID provided to you by Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Network). Then proceed to Order Success page.
- Using your browser’s Developer Tool (“F12” key on your keyboard) open search bar (“Ctrl+F” keys on your keyboard) and look for the Image Tag (Pixel) which contains
- Your Image Tag (Pixel) will appear.

Once you locate the Image Tag (Pixel) – this means that your Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Program has been set up correctly. Now login at and verify that your transactions are being tracked correctly.