Magento 2 Layered Navigation Lite Extension v1.x Uninstalling

Here you will learn how to easily remove FREE Magento 2 Layered Navigation Lite extension using Composer.

Remove Extension via Composer

In order to remove your Magento 2 Layered Navigation Lite Extension extension via the Composer, open the console (SSH terminal) and follow the commands:

  1. In the terminal, switch to your Magento 2 root directory using the command:

where “FULL_PATH_TO_YOUR_MAGENTO2” is the path to your Magento 2 folder on your server.

  1. Disable the extension:
php bin/magento module:disable Plumrocket_LayeredNavigationLite
  1. Remove the extension:
composer remove plumrocket/layered-navigation-lite-metapackage
  1. Run the next four Magento 2 commands:
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

After running these commands, the extension should be uninstalled successfully. A similar message should be displayed in your console as displayed below:

  1. Below you will find the SQL command designed to delete all extension information from the database:
DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE `path` LIKE 'prproductfilter/%';
  1. Clear Magento Cache:
php bin/magento cache:flush

At this point, Magento 2 Layered Navigation Lite Extension extension has been successfully removed from your server.

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