What IP Geolocation Data is Retrieved Using ipapi, MaxMind, and IpToCountry Services

The Magento 2 GeoIP Lookup Extension uses three built-in services to retrieve IP geolocation information: two local databases (MaxMind and IpToCountry) and ipapi online service.

On the one hand, we recommend enabling all databases to make sure you always get available geolocation data. In case one database doesn’t have any information about the specific IP address, the extension retrieves it from another source.

However, each database has got its peculiarities and data specifications, providing you with a different set of location data retrieved from IP addresses. That's why you can use only the services that best suit your business needs. Let’s take a closer look at each database.

Ipapi GeoIP Service

The apapi is a free online service that provides real-time geolocation data. Using the ipapi service, the GeoIP Lookup extension retrieves the following geolocation data from IP addresses:

  • Country code
  • Country name
  • Region
  • City
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

The service is perfect when you need to get real-time geolocation data from IP addresses. Unlike other built-in databases, the ipapi is an online service, which means you don’t need to upgrade databases periodically to get the latest information.

MaxMind GeoIP Database

The MaxMind is the leading database in IP intelligence, which you can install on your server with just a few clicks. Use the MaxMind database to return the following data set of IP addresses:

  • Continent
  • Continent Code
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • Time Zone
  • European Union Detection
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Metro Code
  • Subdivision 1,2 ISO Code
  • Subdivision 1,2 Name
Here's an example of IP geolocation data retrieved from the MaxMind database using the GeoIP Lookup extension:

Magento 2 GeoiIP Lookup Extension - Geolocation data retrieved from Maxmind database

IpToCountry GeoIP Database

The IpToCountry database is useful when you need to only determine country information from users’ IP addresses. The GeoIP Lookup extension uses free "IP to Country Lite" database, which provides you with extensive and accurate geolocation data. However, if you require the most recent information, you may download the "IP to Country" database on the official website in the CSV format, as it is updated on a daily basis.

Overall, the GeoIP Lookup extension helps you get the specific IP geolocation data based on your business needs, whether it requires detailed and the most relevant information, or just a country detection.

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