How to Set Up Magento 2 Salesforce Integration

How to Create Salesforce API for Magento 2

In this article, you will learn how to create your Salesforce API Key and set up Magento 2 Salesforce integration. Please, use the following step-by-step guide.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Login to your account at

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. In the upper right corner of the website, click on the Settings.
  2. Go to Setup.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. On the left menu bar, click on Apps.
  2. Go to the App Manager.
  3. Click New Connected App ontop right to create a new app.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Connected App Name“: enter the name for your new connected app.
  2. API Name“: this information will be auto-synced from the Connected App Name field.
  3. Contact Email“: enter your Salesforce email.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Scroll down to the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section. Check the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox.
  2. Callback URL“: enter the URL to your admin panel.
  3. Go to the Selected OAuth Scopes.
  4. Select the Full Access (full) option.
  5. Click on the Add button.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Scroll up and click the Save button. Then, click the Continue button below the information message that your changes will take effect on the server in 2-10 minutes. You will be taken to the Manage Connected Apps page, where you will see your newly created connected app.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Copy your Consumer Key, which you will use in the Magento configurations.
  2. Consumer Secret“: click on the Click to Reveal button to see your Consumer Secret. Copy it, as you will need it in Magento configurations.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Click on the user icon in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Go to Settings.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. On the left menu bar, go to My Personal Information > Reset My Security Token.
  2. Click on the Reset Security Token button. The Security Token will be sent to the email you used in Salesforce account.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Check your email inbox. Copy the Security Token, which you will need in the Magento configurations.

Configuring Salesforce API in Magento 2 Newsletter Popup Extension

In this section of the article, you will learn how to configure Salesforce API integration in your Magento 2 Newsletter Popup extension. Please, check the following step-by-step guide.

In the main Magento menu, go to the Plumrocket tab > Newsletter Popup > Configuration. Then, scroll down to the Integrations > select Salesforce.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Enable“: set to “Yes” in order to enable the Salesforce integration.
  2. Consumer Key“: paste your Consumer Key received in your Salesforce account.
  3. Consumer Secret Key“: paste the Consumer Secret Key received in your Salesforce account.
  4. Account username“: enter the Salesforce account username.
  5. Account password“: enter the Salesforce account password.
  6. Security token“: paste the Security Token you received by email.
  7. Test Connection button to test the connection with Salesforce API.

Step-by-Step actions:

  1. Campaign Lists“: in this field, you can enable lists in each new popup individually.
  2. Fields Mapping“: this field allows you to set up a relation between your Newsletter Popup Fields and Salesforce List Fields. This will allow you to save your newsletter subscribers’ additional data (including Coupon Codes) directly to your Salesforce account.
  3. Press the Save Config button to save your configurations.

The Salesforce Integration with the Magento Newsletter Popup extension is now completed.

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