Magento 2 Checkout Success Page v3.x Developer Guide and API Reference

Adding Tracking Code Manually

In order to add tracking code on Magento 2 Checkout Success page manually, follow the instructions below:

1. Copy this file:


To the folder with your theme:


2. At the very end of the copied file please paste the tracking code you have.


     * Plumrocket Inc.
     * This source file is subject to the End-user License Agreement
     * that is available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
     * If you are unable to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please
     * send an email to so we can send you a copy immediately.
     * @package Plumrocket Checkoutspage v2.x.x
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Plumrocket Inc. (
     * @license End-user License Agreement
    <?php $order = $this->helper('PlumrocketCheckoutspageHelperData')->getOrder(); ?>
    <?php echo $this->getChildHtml(''); ?>
    <div id="csp-extension" class="mod-checkoutspage">
        <?php //echo $this->getMessagesBlock()->getGroupedHtml() 
        <div class="csp-cf">
            <div class="csp-left-col">
                <?php echo $block->getChildHtml('checkoutspage.left.section'); ?>
            <div class="csp-right-col">
                <?php echo $block->getChildHtml('checkoutspage.right.section'); ?>
        <div class="csp-bottom-col csp-cf">
            <?php echo $block->getChildHtml('checkoutspage.bottom.section'); ?>
    <!-- Google Code for AdWords Transactions Conversion Page -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        / <![CDATA[ /
        var google_conversion_id = 85668555;
        var google_conversion_language = "en";
        var google_conversion_format = "3";
        var google_conversion_color = "c71414";
        var google_conversion_label = "exbPxfsdfsd2wM";
        var google_conversion_value = 50.00;
        var google_remarketing_only = false;
        / ]]> /
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//">
        <div style="display:inline;">
            <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//>
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