Configuring Order Status & Shipping Tracking Extension
Here you will learn how to correctly configure the Order Status and Shipment Tracking extension for Magento. To do this, follow the instructions below.
Step-by-Step action:
- Press the “System” tab in the menu.
- Select “Configuration”.

Step-by-Step action:
- Select “Order Status & Shipping Tracking” in the menu Configuration.
- Enable Extension: allows you to enable or disable this magento order tracking extension.

UPS Tracking Configuration
Step-by-Step action:
- UPS Tracking API Enable: allows to enable the UPS tracking API within Order Status & Shipping Tracking extension.
- User ID: lets you indicate your UPS User ID.
- Password: allows you to indicate your UPS user’s password.
- API Access Key: lets you indicate your UPS API access key.

Important Information:
Learn how you can request your UPS API credentials by reading article How to request UPS API credentials.
FedEx Tracking Configuration
Step-by-Step action:
- FedEx Tracking API Enable: allows to enable the FedEx tracking API within Order Status & Shipping Tracking extension.
- Account Number: allows you to indicate your account number registered with FedEx.
- Meter Number: allows you to indicate Meter Number for your FedEx account. It is used by FedEx to calculate your rates and track your rate requests.
- Key: allows you to set the test or production key (test key should be set if you activate Sandbox Mode below; otherwise use production key).
- Password: allows you to set the test or production password (test password should be set if you activate Sandbox Mode below; otherwise use production password).
- Sandbox Mode: allows to enable or disable the FedEx Sandbox.

Important Information:
Learn how you can request your FedEx API credentials by reading article How to request FedEx API credentials.
USPS Tracking Configuration
Step-by-Step action:
- USPS Tracking API Enable: allows to enable the USPS tracking API within Order Status & Shipping Tracking extension.
- User ID: allows you to indicate your USPS User ID.
- Once you’ve finished all configurations – press “Save Config” button.

Important Information:
In order to acquire your USPS API credentials you will need to complete registration at USPS Web Tools APIs website.
Testing Order Status & Shipping Tracking Extension
After this Magento shipping tracking extension has been successfully configured it is recommended that you test it to make sure that everything was setup correctly. You will need to create a test order at your store and follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Step-by-Step action:
- In your Magento backend please locate your test order’s view page by clicking Sales > Orders .
- Click on “Ship” button to mark your test order as shipped.

Important Information:
At this point you can create a test shipment with the Shipping Carrier of your choice (UPS, FedEx or USPS) using the test tracking numbers. You can acquire them from chosen Carriers or use following:
- UPS : 1Z12345E1512345676
- FedEx : 123456789012
- USPS : 1Z64X2690303019153
Step-by-Step action:
- Press the “Add Tracking Number” button.
- Select the Carrier you registered the shipment with.
- Indicate the Title of the shipment.
- Insert the Tracking Number provided by the Carrier you made a shipment with.
- Click on “Submit Shipment” button to proceed.

Now go to your Magento frontend and follow the steps below.
Step-by-Step action:
- Login to your Account associated with test order you created.
- Click “My Orders” link and go to your test order view page.
- Click on “Track Your Order” . Short order tracking information will appear in a new window.
- Press the “View Details” link. Detailed information about your test shipment will show up in a new tab of your browser.

Step-by-Step action:
- General information about your shipment is being displayed here.
- You can see shipment progress logs here.
- In case you have another shipment you want to track – just paste new tracking number here.
- You can choose other postal services tracking by choosing them in the dropdown.
- Press “Track” button to track another shipment.

Checking Order Status by Guest Users
For your customers’ convenience you can also use the direct link for order tracking. For example, you can use it in the footer of your website as shown below. The link should have the format: where “yourdomain” is the name of your domain. By clicking this link your customers will be forwarded to Check Order Status page:
Step-by-Step action:
- This is the direct link located in the footer of your website.
- This is how the direct link to Check Order Status page looks like.
- Customer indicates his Order Number here.
- Customer indicates his Phone Number or Email Address here.
- Customer needs to press “Track” button to track his order.