How to Enable or Disable Compilation in Magento

Disabling Compilation (before installing Plumrocket Magento Extensions)

It is essential to install Plumrocket Magento extensions (as well as other Magento modules) with Compilation disabled prior to installation. Please note that it only concerns the cases when you have compilation enabled in your Magento backend. Otherwise, you need to skip the steps below.

Detailed description:

  1. Click on System.
  2. Navigate to Tools.
  3. Select Compilation.
  4. Make sure that Compiler Status state is Enabled.
  5. Click on Disable.
Pr magento disable compilation

Running Compilation Process in Magento (after extension installation)

If previously you disabled Compilation in Magento before extension installation – you will need to follow the below steps after the installation is completed. Skip these steps if you have disabled Compilation permanently.

Detailed description:

  1. Click on System.
  2. Navigate to Tools.
  3. Select Compilation.
  4. Check if Compiler Status state is Disabled.
  5. Click on Run Compilation Process.
Pr magento run compilation

About The Author: Anastasiia Yaremchuk

Deeply passionate about making a good copy. Now exploring new horizons of SEO and content marketing. Apart from the digital world, she is obsessed with travelling, films and caffeine. View more posts