Step 2: Creating sale sections

To launch the store you will have to create a SALE SECTION first.

SALE SECTION is used to group subcategories or several stores according to various criteria, such as their relevance in a particular time period.

Each store belongs to a definite category or subcategory which allows you to schedule the work of different boutiques by setting different periods of activity for each subcategory separately.

Follow these steps to create your first boutique, organize the products and understand the basic rules of creating the structure of categories and stores that will meet your needs.

Video Tutorial: How to Create a Sale Section

Watch this video to see a detailed step-by-step tutorial. For additional explanation see the screenshots below

Managing Categories

First, open the Categories Management page as shown below

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Click on the “?ATALOG” tab in main menu
Manage categories

Creating a Root Category

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Press the “ADD ROOT CATEGORY” button

General Information Tab

Fill all required fields for this tab

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Choose “GENERAL” tab
  2. Field “Name”: Type the name of the category; for example, “Current & Upcoming Sales”
  3. Field “Is Active”: set “YES”
  4. Field “Include in Navigation Menu”: set ‘NO’

Custom Design Tab

Move to tab “Custom Design”, fill all the required fields and save.

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Choose tab “Custom Design”
  2. Field “Apply To Products”: set “YES”
  3. Press the “SAVE CATEGORY” button
Custom design

Succesfull Message

If you followed the steps properly you will see a Successful Message and a new Sale Section on the left side


Additional sale section (Optional)

Previously, you have learned how to create a Sale Section that will contain both active and planned boutiques. For your convenience we also suggest creating one more sale section to collect the boutiques that are no longer active.

Important Information:

It is not obligatory to create a sale section for non-active boutiques, but this will make your operation of the system much easier.

Video Tutorial: How to Create Additional Sale Section

Creating a Category

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Press the “ADD ROOT CATEGORY” button

Information Tab for Additional Category

Fill all required fields for this tab

Step-by-Step action:

  1. Choose “GENERAL” tab
  2. Field “Name”: Type the name of the category; for example, “Past Sales”
  3. Field “Is Active”: set “NO”
  4. Press “SAVE CATEGORY” button
Past sales create general

Succesfull message

If you followed the steps properly you will see a Successful Message and a new Sale Section on the left side

Past sales was saved

Next Step > Step 3: Organizing boutiques by date of sales

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