Important Information:
Please ignore License Installation manual below if you have purchased (or updated) your extension from Plumrocket Inc in 2015 or later.
If you are our old client and still need to use license files with ionCube PHP Encoder – here you can learn how to correctly carry out License Installation.
License files are titled Plumrocket_module abbreviation and come with the extension .lic. They must be added separately by uploading to the root directory on the server after you install each module. In order to learn where and how you can download the license open the link and follow the instructions on the screenshots below:
Detailed description:
- Enter the site under your account.
- Select “My Account” in the menu. (To open this page you have to log in first).
- Select “My Downloads” in the menu.
- Choose an extension you need to download the license for.
- Click on the “Download” button in order to download your license.
For some extensions, if you run an old extension version, there is only a downloading license available. For newer extension versions Serial Key is required.

After you press “Download” an interactive window will appear offering to save the file. Save the license file on your computer.
Detailed description:
- Save License file.

Then you will have to upload the file to the root category on the server. In order to do this use any file hosting service (We used the FileZilla program to show how it should be done.)
Detailed description:
- This is your client side. Here you will find the catalog containing the license file.
- This is your root directory on the server. This is where the files must be uploaded.
- Select the license file and press the right mouse button.
- Select the “Upload” option for this file.

After the file is uploaded the license is installed.