Fixing Magento USPS API issue with First-Class Mail Parcel

Fixing Magento USPS API issue with First-Class Mail Parcel

Critical changes to Magento USPS API!

On September 1st 2017 USPS announced a number of changes to take place, including the reclassification of their “First-Class Mail Parcel” Service to “First-Class Package Service – Retail”. This results in Magento Shipping Methods service being affected. For those of you who are experiencing troubles getting proper shipping rates for USPS on their Magento websites – please follow the easy steps below to rectify the issue:

To resolve the issue, you will need to update your USPS implementation to utilize the new Shipping Method Name.

Important: It is not recommended to update your Magento core files directly. Hopefully Magento Inc will come up with the patch soon.

Fix for Magento 1.x.x

1. In your server, locate the file:


2. Copy this file to the path:


3. Look for “method_to_code”.

4. Locate the following part of the code:

// Added because USPS has different services but with same CLASSID value, which is "0"
'method_to_code' => array(
'First-Class Mail Large Envelope' => '0_FCLE',
'First-Class Mail Letter' => '0_FCL',
'First-Class Mail Parcel' => '0_FCP',

5. Replace the ‘First-Class Mail Parcel’ with ‘First-Class Package Service – Retail’ (single dash). Make sure the spelling is correct, otherwise Magento will not be able to handle the new naming.

// Added because USPS has different services but with same CLASSID value, which is "0"
'method_to_code' => array(
'First-Class Mail Large Envelope' => '0_FCLE',
'First-Class Mail Letter' => '0_FCL',
'First-Class Package Service - Retail' => '0_FCP',

6. Double check if there are no more occurrences of ’First-Class Mail Parcel’. If found, make sure to replace these with ‘First-Class Package Service – Retail’ .

7. Optionally, you can also rename Shipping method name. Look for ‘0_FCP’ and change ‘First-Class Mail Parcel’ to ‘First-Class Package Service – Retail’

Fix For Magento 2.x.x

Since you should not edit core Magento 2 files – you need to create the extension that overrides the model “Magento\Usps\Model\Carrier”.

The steps below will outline where is the problem in Magento 2 core files.

1. In your server, locate the file:


2. Look for “method_to_code”.

3. Locate the following part of the code:

// Added because USPS has different services but with same CLASSID value, which is "0"
'method_to_code' => array(
'First-Class Mail Large Envelope' => '0_FCLE',
'First-Class Mail Letter' => '0_FCL',
'First-Class Mail Parcel' => '0_FCP',

4. Replace the ‘First-Class Mail Parcel’ with ‘First-Class Package Service – Retail’ (single dash). Make sure the spelling is correct, otherwise Magento will not be able to handle the new naming.

// Added because USPS has different services but with same CLASSID value, which is "0"
'method_to_code' => array(
'First-Class Mail Large Envelope' => '0_FCLE',
'First-Class Mail Letter' => '0_FCL',
'First-Class Package Service - Retail' => '0_FCP',

5. Reminder: Make sure not to edit core Magento 2 files. Instead you need to create the extension that overrides the model “Magento\Usps\Model\Carrier”. To learn more on how to override model file please read here.

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